Dear *,

Last week, I had a technical question regarding the passwd command. The question was about how to insert a banner or warning message when a user want or have to change his password.

One of the solutions is to create a file /etc/motd_passwd_warning with your warning. Here “HELLO”.

[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/motd_passwd_warning

Then to change the /etc/pam.d/passwd in adding the following line :
password optional file=/etc/motd_passwd_warning

[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/pam.d/passwd
auth include system-auth
account include system-auth
password optional file=/etc/motd_passwd_warning
password substack system-auth
-password optional use_authtok
password substack postlogin

And that is all.

Here is the result :

[root@localhost ~]# passwd
Changing password for user root.
New password:
BAD PASSWORD: it is based on a dictionary word
Retype new password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully

Rem : Following a comment from Daniel Walsh – see below -, I changed a little bit this article from its original publication.
Thanks to Daniel for his feedback.

Frederic 🙂



Ref :

I am going to do this presentation to one our Luxembourg customer.
If your company or you are based in BeNeLux and are interested by this presentation, just let me know and I will try to arrange a Meeting for you.

In parallel, I would like to congratulate the openscap and the openscap work-bench. they are great tools. I had the opportunity last week to introduce lightly these ones to one of customer and he really appreciated it.
Even if it is in RHEL 6 techpreview, he is going to use it for his default image definition. He also ask me to have a deeper explanation of it.
Thanks for your help and your work.


Best Regards
Frederic 😉

Dear *,

Well, In addition of Virtualization I am going to present Red Hat Cloud Solutions next Thursday – 19th of May 2011 – in Luxembourg.
If your company or you are based in France or in BeNeLux and are interested by this presentation, just let me know and I will try to arrange a Meeting for you.

Best Regards
Frederic 😉

On Monday I am going to do a Gnome 3 Presentation for a client. Not idea Why yet ???
My opinion about Gnome 3 is it is a major and great evolution in the Open source Desktop Domain.
Congratulation to the Gnome Team ! Your work is simply awesome. +1
Thanks for that.

Frederic 😉