Dear all,

I am going to do a talk about “Application Integration” in November 2012.
The topic of that presentation is to explain how to integrate legacy application with newer ones using Jboss solutions.
If your company or you are based in BeNeLux and are interested by this presentation, just let me know and I will try to arrange a meeting for you.


Dear *,

Yesterday, I did a presentation about Open Source Business Models for firms/Universities/individuals and had a lot of question regarding how communities/Enterprise Open Source Process works.
Well, I think this video is a good start.

N.B. Just in the case you were wondering what will be your next Operating System.

Feel free to contact me if your company are based in BeNeLux and still have some doubts about Open Source viability/strategy.

Frederic 😉

Dear all,

I would like to invite you to the next session on Tuesday, October 25th 2012 from 12:00 @ Château de Colonster, 4000 Liege
I will talk about “Open source Business Models”.

N.B. The talk will probably be given in French.
Ref :
Open source business models – le 25/10 à 12h