
Even if the command line is not so easy to retain and the program has still some bugs the first results are encouraging.

Here above is the results after a :
func “” call save2mysql call “ process mem”

which save the data from the second part of the command :
call “ process mem” – the func part –
to the first part of the command
func “” call save2mysql – the MySQL part -.

In addition, the program is still in a draft format.

Let’s do a little bit of methods this evening…

“There’s a wild wind blowing down the corner of my street !”
Coldplay, Technicolor II

Time of change is coming in Belgium.
Several days last week, yesterday and still today, I had good news for Fedora/Red Hat Belgium which let me thinking things are moving more and more. – OLPC, x, x, Ambassadors, users, etc… –
That is great progress !

Rem : OK, the paint is linked to the French revolution and I talking about Belgium. But…. you know, I am French.
Promise, next time I will use a Belgium revolution paint. Apologies to all my Belgian friends 🙂


Definitely, “crisis effect” or not it is better and better each year !

Now, to those who say : it depends of the “Head count” ! I will respond : “No, it is up to you to take the risk or not !”
Understand who can ( Well, I do not know if this sentence is correct English expression. – In French : “Comprenne qui peut”-)


First of all, for those who did not know what is IPA :

IPA is an open source identity and access management solution that centrally manages identity, policy, and audits for users, machines, and services in your Linux and Unix environment.

– Well a great tool for those who do not want to manage a bunch of Linux servers with local authentication –

In addition, you can use it freely via or with Red Hat support via

So, WHY this post ? Just to present IPA ?

Definitively not !
Well, indeed I heard the Red Hat support for IPA will stop soon for unknown reasons.
My first reaction was for those who taken this decision : Did they think about current IT projects which planned to use IPA ?
My second reaction was : Why did Red Hat launch the product officially then few month ago ?
My third reaction was : If Red Hat took effectively that decision, they probably have good reasons but what did they propose in order to replace it ? Penrose virtual directory ? Symark PowerBroke ? or others ? Not sure, these one responds to the needs of my clients.

Let’s hope it is just a false rumour cause if it is the case I do not think for my part it is a good choice even if project without support still continue to evolve.

Maybe, with this post I will have more explanations about this rumours.


Concretely, how does it work ?
1] You request the overlord to do some actions to minion #3 an #4.
2] The Overlord retrieve data from them.
3] Then show you the result via your console.
4] Save it in temporary tables on the minion which is dedicated to store that data – MySQL Database -.

What is the status today of that ? Well this is the first outputs :


N.B. The Binary value set to 1 means : It is a “column name“.


I am currently develop a module which use the Func MySQL module I created one week ago in order to retrieve data from func.
e.g. :


And then save it to a MySQL Database Temporary Tables – Not really temporary in Databases meaning – see schema at the top of this post-.

For the moment, I manage to retrieve data with python and currently work on how to dynamically integrate it in MySQL Tables.
Thanks for reading.

Func and OurSKMS

March 12, 2009


Ok, I still have a lot of work but I am trying to do it even if I have an obvious lack of time.

As I already told to Micheal DeHaan and Eddy N., I am going to develop few modules in order to hit the target – see schema above – which is to retrieve data from minions – Func clients – and save them to OurSKMS based on MySQL.

I encourage everyone to develop his own little python modules in order to incorporate it to Func.
Func is a really great project, believe me !

Func URL:

OK, I agree with you but we are just starting it. So thanks for your indulgence.
Thanks in advance to have taken the time to read the post.

Let’s hope I give you – Adrian, Michael – a good explanation of what I want to do with Func.


Just to let you know I will be there to talk about Open source, Fedora, Red Hat, Jboss and other interesting subjects… website :

Let’s hope I will see you there !
Thanks Sophie and Max.


As maybe you probably already know Leonidas is the next Fedora 11 release name.

It was indeed chosen by a Fedora community member during the FOSDEM’09 in Belgium by the fact the Belgian chocolate – Leonidas – he was eating at that time awake all his senses !!!

Vive la Belgique! Leve België! Viva Belgium! 🙂

The True Story…
Well, is that release name have been chosen because it was a ship name in the United States Navy.
Well, unfortunately no so tasty, isn’t it ? 🙂

Nonetheless, there is a funny thing behind that !
Guess a little a bit what kind of operating system the Leonidas company uses ?
Look at the “Third-Party Integration” section of that document and you will have the answer.

Coincidence ?
I let you think about it. 😉


Currently working on Func 0.24-1, I found that comment and following Python codes in the /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/func/ at Line =~ 100 on Fedora 10

# FIXME: this is probably more complicated than it needs to be -akl
# aka, everything after the module_file_path

if basename[:8] == “__init__”:
modname = dirname
dirname = “”
elif basename[-3:] == “.py”:
modname = basename[:-3]
elif basename[-4:] in [“.pyc”, “.pyo”]:
modname = basename[:-4]

which could be remplaced by :

modname = dirname
dirname = “”
if basename[:8] != “__init__”:
mymodname =basename.split(‘.’)

Well, do not have the pretension to be better coder than Python developper however if I can help.