Dear *,

Few days ago, I did a presentation on Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Java EE Containers
If your company or you are based in BeNeLux and are interested by this presentation, just let me know and I will try to arrange a meeting for you.

N.B. You can also find it in Mojo.


RDODear *,

If you plan or already use OpenStack on Red Hat and Red Hat-based platforms, then I am sure this web site[1] is definitively going to interest you.

I think specifically to the BeNeLux customers or companies I work with and who are followers of this Blog.

RDO is a community of people using and deploying OpenStack on Red Hat and Red Hat-based platforms.

If your company or you are based in BeNeLux and are interested by IT Industrialization/Automation, just let me know and I will arrange a meeting for you.




Dear *,

This week, I did a presentation about E-Industrialization.
An introduction to the usage of Java Enterprise middleware solutions[1] in order to improve business processes.
If your company or you are based in BeNeLux and are interested by this presentation, just let me know and I will try to arrange a meeting for you.



OVirtFosdem13 Dear *,

In the case you or your company will be currently evaluating a new or another enterprise-level computer virtualization product like VmWare ESX and Microsoft Hyper V – Windows Server Virtualization, or if you will be curious about virtualization technology then I inform you you will have the opportunity to ask all the questions you have on this topic during FOSDEM’13 – Brussels / 2 & 3 February 2013 – @ the OVirt booth.

For those ones from BeNeLux who will not have to chance to be present and are interested by a Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Presentation/Demo/POC then just let me know with a comment to this post and I will arrange a meeting for you.

Enclosed in this post the Wikipedia Ovirt definition as well as a Video which show how it works.

– Explanation coming from Wikipedia >
oVirt is a free platform virtualization management web application community project started by Red Hat. oVirt is built on libvirt which could allow it to manage virtual machines hosted on any supported backend, including KVM, Xen and VirtualBox. However, oVirt is currently focused on KVM alone. oVirt is an open source software with backing from Red Hat and it is the base for Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization.

Ref :
See you @ FOSDEM’13


[RHEL] SELinux Introduction

November 6, 2012

Dear all,

I am going to do a presentation about SELinux in November 2012.
The topic of that talk is to present SELinux to RHEL Administrators/Architects.
If your company or you are based in BeNeLux and are interested by this presentation, just let me know and I will try to arrange a meeting for you.


Dear all,

I am going to do a talk about “Application Integration” in November 2012.
The topic of that presentation is to explain how to integrate legacy application with newer ones using Jboss solutions.
If your company or you are based in BeNeLux and are interested by this presentation, just let me know and I will try to arrange a meeting for you.


Dear *,

Yesterday, I did a presentation about Open Source Business Models for firms/Universities/individuals and had a lot of question regarding how communities/Enterprise Open Source Process works.
Well, I think this video is a good start.

N.B. Just in the case you were wondering what will be your next Operating System.

Feel free to contact me if your company are based in BeNeLux and still have some doubts about Open Source viability/strategy.

Frederic 😉

Dear all,

I would like to invite you to the next session on Tuesday, October 25th 2012 from 12:00 @ Château de Colonster, 4000 Liege
I will talk about “Open source Business Models”.

N.B. The talk will probably be given in French.
Ref :
Open source business models – le 25/10 à 12h

Dear all,

We would like to invite you to our next session on Tuesday, October 9th 2012 from 18:30PM.

Karoly Nagy, EMEA Senior Solutions Architect, Red Hat/JBoss will speak about JBoss EAP6.

The session will be held at CRONOS n.v. Business Park King Square Veldkant 33A – 2550 Kontich


Dear all,

I am going to do a presentation about “JBoss EAP6 Proxy/Gateway Solutions” in August 2012.
If your company or you are based in BeNeLux and are interested by this presentation, just let me know and I will try to arrange a meeting for you.

